PSHE at Great Meols

'The purpose of our lives is to be happy.' - Dalai Lama


My Happy Mind

At Great Meols, My Happy Mind is the spine of our PSHE curriculum. This scheme for teachers, parents and children helps to prepare today’s children for tomorrow’s world by building resilient, balanced and happy minds at home, nursery and school.

‘My Happy Mind has proved to be a great hit with our pupils. The scheme has provided them with some invaluable techniques such as happy breathing that equip them to deal with worries. I am confident that these are techniques that could be used throughout their life’. Mr Brown

Feedback from Parents / Carers

I am really pleased with the positive difference this programme has made to the mental health of both my children. We have all used the ‘happy breathing’ technique together as a family when one of our children are stressed - it’s even got our youngest through a blood test he really did not want to have!

My daughter has found the breathing techniques very helpful when she is not able to get off to sleep, she focuses on her breathing and falls asleep easily. I feel that it is very important for children to have access to my happy minds for their well-being from an early age

My daughter really enjoys the sessions. She comes home and talks about how it makes her feel better. She says she feels more relaxed in school after the sessions. 

Really positive experience for the kids and essential for their development in the times we live in now. Thank you for providing this for my son.

My child loved the sessions, came home talking about it and sharing the new things he’d learned and frequently uses the techniques that they taught him. I was very impressed. 

Relationships and Sex Education

At Great Meols, we use the Christopher Winters Project (CWP) scheme to deliver the Relationships and Sex curriculum. The year group overviews can be accessed via the links below.